As we stated in the first blog, we are now going to share a few tips from our How to Have Difficult Conversations self-directed online course.
These tips are foundational concepts underlying our step by step How to Have Difficult Conversations model.
The first tip has to do with when you find yourself getting upset. We don’t know about you, but for us, we find ourselves wanting to push the other person away. We can so easily go into our reptilian personality and sometimes want to strike back by saying something mean or shutting the other person out altogether.
In that state, we won’t be able to have a productive conversation. Yet, having the conversation is what will move everything forward.
So what will get us there?
One thing is a strong foundation of collaborative beliefs. Collaboration is the conceptual foundation of the course. There are 3 principles that can help build that foundation and support the willingness to talk in spite of our impulses.
In the course, we share these 3 powerful principles. Learn about the 3 principles in this video from one of the early lessons in the How to Have Difficult Conversations course!