We’d like to continue to offer a few key tips from our How to Have Difficult Conversations Course.
Now, we’d like to shine a light on a sand trap you want to avoid falling into, once you find the mojo to start the conversation.
One leader we know fell into this sand trap. He was stuck in a loop of seeing his employee as someone who was an under-performer, not following his directions and probably out to get him. For example, he would notice they would come to an agreement about how his employee would address a performance issue with her own staff, then he’d find out she wouldn’t follow through.
After learning about this key trap, the boss discovered a whole new employee. He learned that his employee was working towards their greater goals, but just in a different way than the boss was aware of. She’s now flourishing and he’s a happier boss, more able to fulfill his greater aspirations for the advancement of his institution!
In this video, we’re going to clearly lay out what the trap is that this leader had, illuminating the way out.